Emotional Bypassing & How to Stop Doing It

Hey! I’m Domiana, a former pro athlete. 2x bestselling author equipping moms + kids w/ tools to heal, regulate emotions & manifest.

I shared this message a little while ago with my community on my YouTube channel, and wanted to share it with you:

You need to give yourself permission to be human. You need to allow yourself to feel exactly how you feel when you need to feel it.

Today has been a really rough day. I just got done doing 60 minutes of tapping, and I did some breathwork. I’ve just been sitting with my emotions and sifting through them all. 

Both the girls are sleeping so It's quiet, and it's peaceful in here. So I finally had the space to deal with what I was dealing with - all of the things I stuffed down and pushed away, and all the things I kept moving through without acknowledging. 

I'm really exhausted after tapping because I was just bawling my eyes out and all these emotions came up that I wasn’t expecting. I grieved the pregnancy that I wanted to have. I didn't expect my third pregnancy to be a solo pregnancy - my husband is overseas. I didn't expect that or prepare for it mentally. I'm grieving all the things that he's unable to do. I'm grieving all the things that I'm unable to do with him. I'm grieving the life that I had envisioned for us right now. And there's some sadness around that too.  

I had to forgive myself for having expectations, forgive myself for being let down, forgive myself for feeling sad. I had to forgive myself for being mad at myself for not keeping it together, right? 

I'm human, and I can only keep it together and be strong for so long. 

But that's where resilience comes into play.

I want to be resilient. I know that life's not always gonna rainbows and butterflies. And so when life hits hard, how resilient are you? 

And then also, once I was done grieving, I realized that I felt really sad for my husband too. I was just sad that he couldn't be a part of these things. He’s missing out on so much. And was sad for the girls too, because they're seeing their friends with both parents around, yet their dad is on another continent unable to watch them at dance class and swim lessons. 

So yeah, all of that is very heavy. I didn't really fully move through it. I shortcutted processing my emotions and bypassed them. I told myself, “okay, yeah, this is hard. And also life is still great. And life is still going right now. Keep moving forward.” I didn’t have time and space to just deal with this funky stuff and focus energy on healing work right now because I’ve got household to take care of, I’ve got kids to take care of - just things to do and places to be and a business to run, and so many people depending on me. (Sound familiar? This probably resonates with ya)

I didn't give myself space. I didn't give myself permission to just pause and be sad and grieve. So I'm glad that I was able to finally tap through that. 

For the past few months I’ve been trying to distract myself, but today I said, “alright, we just got to just sit with this”. I've been putting it off for a while, we just have to sit, get in front of the mirror, and work through it.”

I am so good at putting up a front. I'm so I'm good at performing and pretending that everything is okay. I am so good at just rolling with the punches and just chalking it up.

I realized that I couldn’t bypass these emotions anymore. And that's where I run into trouble. And it’s been abundantly clear that I ran into trouble these last couple of days.

Just the fact that I'm able to bounce back from this, essentially, in 60 minutes, you know, is pretty powerful. 

And so I just want to just challenge you to speak your truth. I want to challenge you to cultivate and keep improving on your resilience because resilience is everything.

I'm a firm believer in flow and ease — that's when I want to operate out. But life is not perfect - life is not always going to be flowing easily.

So what happens when it's not flowing? 

What happens when there's a little roadblock in the way? 

What happens when something messes up the flow? 

Resilience is the key. 

Emotional resilience. 

When you are resilient, you will get knocked down but you don’t stay down for long. 

So how do you bounce back? How do you get back into flow and ease? 

When you learn the right tools, techniques, and modalities to cultivate emotional intelligence and resilience that's how you get back in flow. 

You can't just sit and wait for flow. You have to be the change that you want to see. You have to make the change happen, take action, and create the change for the shift.

If you want to learn more about the healing modalities I use, as well as the techniques I use to cultivate emotional resilience, check out my YouTube Video below:

If this blog post hits close to home…take this as a sign. Please know that you are not alone. And know that…you were made for this. That is UNDENIABLE

In case this post wasn’t filled with enough knowledge nuggets, here are some affirmations for ya:

“It’s okay to not be okay.”

“I have to acknowledge and move through my emotions in order to release them”

I’m proud of you and can’t wait to hear of the shifts that happen when you finally take action and apply your knowledge!

If you want to work with me privately to catapult your self-discovery and healing journey, click here to schedule a Healing Breakthrough Session. If you’re looking for a loving, nurturing, and intimate community that was made for busy moms and women to heal, check out my Healing Community. I’m all about taking action, so if you’re ready to see massive transformation in all aspects of your life (parenting, patience, kid’s behavior–less tantrums, relationships, purpose, consciousness, joy...) check it out!

I can’t wait to connect with you and help you achieve MASSIVE transformation.

Love you love you,



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