How Victim Mindset keeps you Stuck & What to do about it

Hey! I’m Domiana, a former pro athlete. 2x bestselling author equipping moms + kids w/ tools to heal, regulate emotions & manifest.

I shared this message a little while ago with my community on my YouTube channel, and wanted to share it with you:

You are not a victim of your circumstances. It’s hard, but you WILL get through this.

I had a really great conversation with this sweet little old lady at the gym. And then afterward, I went down to the cafe, sat on my computer, and did a little bit of work. She was there too, and she was icing her knee.

So she just pulled me to the side to say:

“It was so great seeing you in there working out. And I miss working out since I had my knee replacement.”

We had a quick chat and I found out that she had both her hips replaced and her other knee replaced. This was the last thing she wanted to get done because she has Arthritis, and she had her knee replaced maybe three weeks ago, so it was recent. 

While we were talking, she shared this with me - it’s not new info or anything I haven’t heard before, but it was just such a nice message to hear. So I thought maybe you need to hear this little reminder, too.

My little old lady friend at the gym said in her New York accent:

“You know, I can't be a victim. You know, then you get sucked into that. And that becomes your life and your sickness or your, you know, disease takes over your life.”

The whole time she was talking I was just thinking, “Yes! YES WOMAN! you're speaking my language. That’s that athlete mindset!”

And it just reminded me of the fact that yes, I have this ability to respond. I have this response-ability. And it's the first concept I teach to all my clients, whenever they sign up for 1:1 Private Coaching + Healing, Domiana’s Healing Community, or Mom Support: support and coaching for the burnt-out mom you never knew existed (you can preview a course module here)…this is always Module 1: Roles, Responsibility, and Response-ability. I am always teaching on this, so her message was just a good little reminder.

So yes, You’re not a victim of your circumstances. Yes, today is hard. Yes. This moment is hard. Yes, things are hard. Okay, and then what? Yes – it's hard, AND I'm still going to move through this. Yes, it's hard, and I'm going to shift this ‘yes, it's hard’ into ‘it's okay that I'm not 100% today. What do I choose to do about it?’

So, if there is anything you take away from this, I hope that it is that being a victim is a mindset, and changing that mindset, starts with you. 

In case this post wasn’t filled with enough knowledge nuggets, here are some affirmations for ya:

“I am not a victim of my circumstances”

“I have the power to choose.”

“My response-ability is my responsibility”

I’m proud of you and can’t wait to hear of the shifts that happen when you finally take action and apply your knowledge!

If you want to work with me privately to catapult your self-discovery and healing journey, click here to schedule a Healing Breakthrough Session. If you’re looking for a loving, nurturing, and intimate community that was made for busy moms and women to heal, check out my Healing Community. I’m all about taking action, so if you’re ready to see massive transformation in all aspects of your life (parenting, patience, kid’s behavior–less tantrums, relationships, purpose, consciousness, joy...) check it out!

I can’t wait to connect with you and help you achieve MASSIVE transformation.

Love you love you,



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