

Yay! Celebrating you for taking an action step forward when it seems so much easier to stay stuck and stagnant.

Your mini ebook should hit your inbox in a few minutes. It will take you 15 min tops to read so read it ASAP. In the meantime….

Schedule a Healing Breakthrough Session with Domiana

We are not meant to do this alone, so I’ve opened up some spot on my calendar just for you. If you’re ready to get rid of overwhelm and exhaustion use the calendar below to schedule a Healing Breakthrough Session with me while spots are available.

I help busy moms shift their mindset and heal in order to free up energy, create balance, manage emotions, and become their highest self. With my guidance, you’ll be able to alleviate the weight of the mother-load and get rid of mom burnout for good.

I'm looking forward to talking to you about all the things...healing, triggers, exhaustion, overwhelm, stress, life balance, "me time", or whatever’s been coming up. Don't worry if your kids are in the background or butt in. They're more than welcome. Come as you are with your lukewarm coffee/tea and joggers...or just joggers.

I wanna hear what's going on with you so we can figure out your next steps together. I wanna help make motherhood all that you envision it to be…and more!