Releasing the Emotional & Mental Load of Motherhood

Hey! I’m Domiana, a former pro athlete. 2x bestselling author, equipping moms + kids with tools to heal, regulate emotions & manifest.

I shared this little message with my healing community (sign up here, we would love to have ya), on my YouTube Channel. And I wanted to share it with you too:

You can love and accept yourself anyway.

I want you to know that you are going to grow as a person. I will be honest, there are days that I am not this light of sunshine. I have moments where I feel unappreciated, but I always choose to love and accept myself anyway. When motherhood is done consciously and in a connected way, you are going to discover parts of yourself you have never found before. You are going to deepen your connection with yourself, which in turn is spirituality. Even in motherhood, you're going to grow as a person.

So when we find ourselves in these moments of change, difficulty, and growth - what do we do? Continue reading if you’re interested…

This is somatic healing, and I am so excited to share it with you:

Now, what is somatic healing?

Somatic healing is a modality that takes your nervous system from a stress state to a neutral state. Somatic healing gets your body on board.  Once you have identified what you’re working on, and how you want to break the habits you’ve been identifying - it is all about getting your body on board to match your new mindset. 

You could do all of the thought and mindset work, which is something that I love doing. It is super beneficial and it works, but it can be timely. You want to also get your body on board. And to get your body on board, you can use somatic healing techniques that also improve your mental, physical, physiological, and spiritual well-being. As I mentioned earlier, somatic healing soothes your nervous system.  You are able to heal your body on a cellular level because when you get your body on board with those new thoughts and patterns, you in turn are also able to relieve trauma that is stored in your body. 

A somatic healing technique that I love is EFT Tapping. It's pretty much like Simon Says, but for emotions. 

This is what the process of EFT Tapping usually looks like between myself and the beautiful women I work with: 

“You are going to repeat after me and you're also going to tap and do as I do, follow me as I speak, it is very simple, I promise.  And to start, I would like for you to close your eyes. You're going to drop into our body, sitting up nice and tall. If you can put your feet on the ground, just to ground and route down. Begin to focus your attention on your breath. (I tap with my babies so if you're unable to fully focus right now, just do your best. Have fun with this and there's no pressure or obligation to get it right.)

Just press pause on the outside world, quieting your mind, lowing down. Take a deep, inhale through the nose, and at the top - sipping air through the mouth. Exhale. Another time, we're going to inhale through the nose. Until you can't fill up anymore. Take a sip, now you can see there is more air in there, you can take it in and then exhale through the mouth. 

Whatever noise that involuntarily comes out, let it. And the last one, inhaling up near the top of the breath,  and when you feel you can't take any more air, take an extra sip of it, and then exhale through the mouth pressing pause on the outside world, setting down your to-do list, knowing that whatever comes before this, and whatever to come after this, let it dissolve. Because what matters most right now is that you are fully present in this moment and that you fully arrive in your body.

When you are ready to open up your eyes, just begin tapping on the side of your hand. repeating after me: even though I'm feeling unappreciated, I love and accept myself anyway. Even though I'm doing all of this invisible work and people sometimes see what I don't do. I love and accept myself anyway.”

If you want to follow along with this tapping session, check out the video below:

In case this post wasn’t filled with enough knowledge nuggets, here are some affirmations for ya:

“I love and accept myself anyway”

“I am growing, changing, and evolving every single day”

I’m proud of you and can’t wait to hear of the shifts when you finally take action and apply your knowledge!

If you want to work with me privately to catapult your self-discovery and healing journey, click here to schedule a Healing Breakthrough Session. If you’re looking for a loving, nurturing, and intimate community that was made for busy moms and women to heal, check out my Healing Community. I’m all about taking action, so if you’re ready to see massive transformation in all aspects of your life (parenting, patience, kid’s behavior–less tantrums, relationships, purpose, consciousness, joy...) check it out!

I can’t wait to connect with you and help you achieve MASSIVE transformation.

Love you love you,



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